1. Residential apartment 2. Private residence 3. 500-1,000 sq ft 4. Living room,Dining room,Bedroom 5. Close within 3 months
Kowloon City
Budget:Have not set budget, would like pro to recommend
1. Residential apartment 2. Private residence 3. 200-500 sq ft 4. Kitchen,Bathroom,Bedroom,Others 5. Already purchased and closed
Description: 1. 鋪全屋地膠板 2. 光亮简潔, 可重用一些傢俬
Ad Printing
Kwun Tong
Printing service:Others: 喜帖
1. No, I need pro to design 2. No 3. Kowloon,Kwun Tong
Description: 1. 喜帖 2. 50張,已有紙
Partial Renovation
Budget:Have not set budget, like pro to recommend
1. 300-900 sq ft 2. 10-20 years 3. Just bought the apartment, will be able to move in within 3 months 4. No 5. New Territories,Islands
Description: 1. Simple clean design with lot of natural sunlight
With some storage wardrobes
Paint the flat
Front Door Install & Repair
Central and Western
Service type:Door parts repair and replacement
Door form:Others: normal wooden standard door with glass design
Be the first
1. Others 2. Solid wooden door 3. I have the measurement. The size is: 4. Would like the PRO to purchase and install. 5. Yes
Description: 1. kitchen wooden door with glass... replace broken glass and fix frame loosing apart 2. normal wooden standard door with glass design 3. 79.5 x 209 5. how much the cost and how many days
Gratitude Card Design
Central and Western
Urgency of work:Standard turnaround time
Budget:Quotation after negotiation
1. Invitation card 2. 1 3. I need help with printing 4. Expected delivery date: 5. No
Description: 1. 又拉出機關 3. 1/12/2024
Mural Painting
Yuen Long
Timeline:Others: 25/12 前
Design style:Recommended by pro
1. Private residence 2. Others 3. Concret wall with existing paint layer 4. To be discussed with pro 5. No idea, recommended by pro
Description: 1. 天台內牆 2. 25/12 前
Partial Renovation
C Kxxx
Sai Kung
Budget:20(unit: 10k HKD)
1. 300-900 sq ft 2. 5-10 years 3. Own property, currently vacant 4. No 5. New Territories,Sai Kung