Hong Kong
Recommended Chemistry Tutors

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Hong Kong
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Recent Chemistry Tutoring requests from

Chemistry Tutoring
Mokxxx    Kowloon Yau Tsim Mong
What type of course do you want to take?
Secondary (chemistry)
Which secondary school year lessons do you need?
S4 second semester
What is the age of the student?
13-15 years old
choi sir

$180/ hr.

$180/ ea.
receive 2 quotes in 1 hour
Chemistry Tutoring
mekxxx    New Territories Tai Po
What type of course do you want to take?
Secondary (science)
Which secondary school year lessons do you need?
S3 second semester
What is the age of the student?
13-15 years old
Rachel Ho

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Customer reviews on PRO360 Chemistry Tutors

1 total
Michael Lee

Recent Chemistry Tutors Jobs in

Chemistry Tutoring
Tai Po
Lesson frequency: Once a week
Budget: $150-$200/hr
Teacher gender: No preference
1. Secondary (science)   2. S3 second semester   3. 13-15 years old   4. 90 mins   5. Wednesday Late afternoon. Sunday Late afternoon  
Chemistry Tutoring
Yuen Long
Lesson frequency: Once a week
Budget: $150-$200/hr
Teacher gender: No preference
1. Secondary (science)   2. S1 first semester   3. 6-12 years old   4. 60 mins   5. Sunday Early afternoon, Late afternoon, Evening  
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